Petal By Petal: The Delicate Flowers of Lladró
Ancient Egyptians believed that the scent of a flower contains the divine power. This fascination was richly expressed in poetry and songs, all of which waxed lyrical on the strength and beauty of flowers and gardens. When the Romans arrived in Egypt, ancient archives showed them describing the heady scents of flowers in Egypt and how it would impair their judgement and clouding their thoughts.

The Lladró brothers had the same obsession with flowers and were adamant that they were to create these miracles of nature in their pieces. The delicate process of making flowers in Lladró starts petal by petal. For the 400+ types of flowers in different sizes that they make, each one is still made petal by petal. Each flower is then constructed by the artisan specifically for each porcelain creation, as different positioning and cluster of flowers are required for each piece. One artisan focuses on the flowers on each piece, to ensure that the consistency of how the flowers are made in each porcelain creation is balanced.

The process is laborious as well, as it takes hours for each artisan to produce. Not only do they need to hand-shape the flowers and create it by hand, the artisans would also need to paint and glaze the pieces and each flower individually. The complexity of ensuring that each piece survives and does well in the kiln requires years of experience, and trial and error. The effort of creating 200 or more flowers on one piece can easily go down the drain if the piece cracks or warps in the kiln.
Each flower and porcelain piece is unique and completely individual. See the flowers in-person in-store at our Lladró Sydney Boutique or via our online shop.